The Denver Broncos will face the Seattle Seahawks this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. for the NFL's Super Bowl XLVIII. This year, there are a couple ways to stream the game from your iPhone or iPad, according to Apple intelligence site 9 to 5 Mac.

If you're not a Verizon or NFL subscriber, it might be difficult to get an official stream on your iPhone. But all iPad and Mac users can get the game, including pre-Super Bowl coverage, with no charge, through FOX.

Here are the best apps for live streaming the Super Bowl:

FOX Sports Go

NFL Mobile - iPhone users with Verizon or an NFL subscription can live stream the game.

Best sites for highlights and replays:

NFL Game Rewind - this website requires a $19.99 subscription to NFL Game Rewind.

Super Bowl XLVIII, NFL Official Program - an iPad app that offers the 288-page commemorative program for Sunday's game.