The ex-VP Biden has never agreed with Donald Trump's China policy despite the gains it has registered. It seems that he intends to undo it, but risking bipartisan disapproval if he and DEMS leave America disadvantaged again.

 Biden has been a harsh critic of the U.S.-China trade war. If he ever sets foot in the Oval Office and decides to change the government's stance. This will not be easy if he chooses Beijing to have the upper hand and disadvantage America which will face a hostile congress. Many believe the ex-VP is compromised in regards to China, especially in the Trade War, reported Freebeacon.

According to Rep. Jim Banks, a China Task Force member told the Washington Free Beacon that if he leads the next administration he will not counter China. He added that congress's policy on China is more important. He added that on the 117th Congress will be keeping the Trump administration legacy of putting America first not be friendly with China.

Biden avoided comment when asked for it. He has been concerned with the Chinese threat and how it impacts Americans, now or in the past. On the campaign trail, he was trying to convince Iowa voters is not an American adversary in 2019. All signals point to him as an American leader who will be friendly to Beijing.

Many of his advisers are starkly Pro-China, one of them is former U.S. ambassador to China Max Baucus. He is one of the advisers in China policy and supports Beijing. Very critical of Trump's hardball policy on China, he blames the incumbent for the trade war that has affected American farmers and workers. Though not everyone disagrees with how Trump handled it.

Also read: Tony Bobulinski: Bidens Bank on "Plausible Deniability" as They do Business With CCP-linked Company

What Trump's Foreign policy achieved

President Donald Trump has effectively changed how China is viewed especially how it is observed in bipartisan manner. For four years, he was not like the prior Obama administration where Biden was the VP. China was viewed as an adversary that was against America, thought the US as a stumbling block as well.

According to Dean Cheng, a foreign policy expert at the Heritage Foundation, many Americans have been galvanized by the Trump administration to resist China and keep America first. This counts as the success of the policy against China, that Biden wants to change.

Cheng stressed that China is not desired, nor is there a pro-China lobby in the US. But if Biden ever sits then he'll be the first and his staff.

The Senate is not what it is after Trump leadership, before they would be agreeable to a concession but it is not so. Even if he edges his China slant it will be uphill in 2021, if he wins. Democrats may not like Trump, but they have shifted protectionism. In fact, the 2020 party statement includes pushing back China for its unfair economic practices that only benefits them. Globalism has failed the American worker.

House GOP members who are member of the China Task Force are for trade war, China must stop stealing intellectual property, excessive state subsidies, and other market manipulation tricks to lift tariffs. But many are worried if the DEMS take power, everything will change. The parties want to curtail China and despite Biden's suggestion.

If Ex-VP Biden goes ahead and change Trump's China policy it will not go down well. He might be a distrusted president.

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