"How I Met Your Mother" has enthralled audiences throughout its nine-season run, producing numerous jokes and catchphrases among New Yorker friends, websites, one questionable book, and the elusive "mother."

Into nine seasons and over 200 episodes since Ted Mosby's long-suffering children sat down to hear the world's most long-winded love story, the comedy series finally ended on March 31, 2014 with the finale named "Last Forever."

With "HIMYM" nostalgia, viewers have been recounting some of the series' greatest moments including Barney's most legendary moments and Marshall and Lily's sweetest scenes.

The series' main character, Ted Mosby, and his defining characteristic launched the show's premise, reported Pop Sugar.

Ted's relentless romantic nature has manifested in the form of over-the-top gestures, heartbreakingly moments, and idealistic quotes.

The sitcom has romance and love at its core. Here are a handful of "How I Met Your Mother's" most memorable moments:

1. When Barney Met Ted

The random and amusing Ted and Barney's first interaction was in one of Barney's attempts to hit on women. What Barney misunderstood as a wingman move, Ted used sign language to save the women from his picking up trap.

2. When Ted and the Mother Met for the First Time

The meet-cute of the pair is such a beautiful moment.

Ted and Tracy finally met for the first time after all of the heartbreak they have experienced. The pair eventually made each other insanely happy.

The yellow umbrella is the symbol that the series has underscored for nine seasons. The scene marked a perfect beginning when they meet under the yellow umbrella, which then became one of the best "How I Met Your Mother" moments.

Also Read: 'How I Met Your Mother' Hints at Heartbreaking Ending; Has the Mother Been Dead the Whole Time?

3. Suit Up

These two words were a recurrent part of "HIMYM" forevermore as it was one of the sturdy pillars behind Barney and Ted's friendship.

Suiting up was also told in the series as leverage of Barney moving forward.

Barney would always tell Ted to come to the MacLaren's pub looking sharp clad in a suit. It would almost always not happen and you could see the pain in Barney's eyes.

4. The Mother Sings 'La Vie En Rose'

The Mother Tracy interpreted her decade-long heartbreak over losing her boyfriend in dire circumstances in the form of singing "La Vie En Rose."

Cristin Milioti deserves to be lauded for making this poignant moment beautifully melancholic, Her voice wrapped the pain that she had been carrying, making it a hauntingly beautiful rendition to make up one of the best moments of "How I Met Your Mother."

5. The Two-Minute Date

Many viewers probably thought Stella was The One, but she left Ted at the altar. Regardless of the turnout, this scene supported Ted's defining romantic characteristic as he staged an over-the-top 2-minute done right.

Stella was a busy doctor and single mom who initially turned him down due to the fact that she merely had two minutes for lunch daily. Ted worked with local restaurants to stage a two-minute date in front of her office. The date was complete with a couple of bites of dinner and movie clips played in a TV store window.

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