The newest Xbox One patch will reportedly improve the graphics on the console, according to

A gaming insider told the tech Microsoft is planning to make "significant changes" relating to their Xbox One Kinect's GPU.

"Some ten percent of total GPU horsepower is reserved for the Kinect - eight percent for video and two percent for voice processing. Microsoft is apparently planning changes that would free up that eight percent video entirely, leaving just two percent of the system's GPU dedicated to voice input," reports.

The Xbox One is currently running of 30 FPS, while the PS4 is churning out 60 FPS, according to multiple reports. If Microsoft releases the rumored patch, the eight percent GPU increase for videos will be enough for the eye to notice.

"The eye is very sensitive to changes in rate-of-movement, which is why latency hitches and jerks are far more annoying than a steady slow frame rate," reports. "Most people will take a constant 30 FPS over a 40 FPS average frame rate that bounces between 20 and 60 FPS, and this sensitivity is why -- our brains evolved to notice sudden changes in motion because it's one of the best ways to avoid being something else's lunch."

Microsoft has not confirmed the alleged patch for the Kinect, but reports the update would be a big boast for the console.

"By reducing the horsepower dedicated to Kinect, Microsoft might be able to realize frame rate improvements immediately after the system is patched," reports. "In one recent embarrassment, the frame rate of the new Tomb Raider title was found to be only 30 fps on the Xbox, but 60 fps on the PS4. This is something that an eight percent bump in GPU power could help with."

Do you think the alleged patch is enough to improve the Kinect's graphics? Leave us a comment below!