In today's climate of gig economies and precarious employment, it can be difficult for Millennials and Gen Zers to stay on track when it comes to reaching their health, fitness, and wellness goals. This is why so many in the know are looking to mFitness and mHealth apps to help them out. 

With so much general information available online, app mHealth apps have to be designed to help users achieve certain metrics in specified niches otherwise they fail to appeal, and as the latest technology driving healthcare startups and the apps they create continues to advance, app developers need to stay on top of the changes.

Read on to learn more about some of the best mobile apps that help users achieve specific, completable goals and offer a fantastic user experience at the same time, and how the right app developer can help you do the same.


What was once discussed in private is now being discussed as a collective, especially in the world of mental health. Even public figures are no longer staying quiet about their mental health issues, and many swear by the healing powers of meditation.

Exploring the immediate and long-term benefits of meditation has become a Western narrative, yet, meditation has been in practice around the world for thousands of years. Steve Jobs once said, "If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does ... that's when your intuition starts to blossom. It's a discipline; you have to practice it." 

The app allows users to do just that; practice. Calm is a great app for beginners. It provides guided meditations, breathing programs, and relaxing music. 

The Calm app is the top-grossing health and fitness app and 20th best app overall on iOS, as reported by App Annie. 

Many are also calling Calm the first mHealth unicorn. Calm has grown rapidly to an impressive 40 million downloads worldwide as of 2018, with a new user downloading and joining the app every second. The company quadrupled its revenue last year, is currently on a $150 million revenue run rate annually, and boasts over 1 million paying subscribers.

Fitbit remains at the top of the list in the fitness category and for good reason. It began as a simple tracker with no user applications. Now they have more innovative programs that take exercising to another level.

In the Fitbit Challenge, users can compete with friends in daily or weekly leaderboards. Fitbit Adventure incorporates virtual reality that changes the landscape of the user's workouts. While exercising, users can enjoy amazing photographs of the real-world locations they are virtually embarking upon. Also, each destination is customized to the user's Fitbit data to make the workout challenging, yet achievable. 

Sleep is inarguably a vital component of good health. Lack of quality sleep or sleeping a minimal amount are both detrimental to one's well-being. Sleep deprivation can cause an assortment of health problems within the body. 

Unfortunately, getting enough sleep is an issue for over 50 million Americans. Sleep deprivation compromises the immune system, increases the risk for heart disease, and can lead to mental disorders. Not to mention, lack of sleep leaves you feeling too tired to exercise the next day. 

Sleep Cycle's most impressive feature is that it wakes you up in your lightest sleep stage. Developers believe waking up during this phase will have the user feeling more rested and energized throughout the day. 

If your company is looking to design the next great app in the mobile health space, be sure to find the right mobile app developer - one who recognizes your vision and includes you every step of the way.

Working with the right app developer makes the entire design process run smoothly. Business owners want to make certain that their customers will receive the best care possible, and so developers should create mobile apps with both native iOS and Android compatibility for maximum effect. 

They should also believe in a democratic development process that keeps clients updated at every iterative stage from ideation to mood boarding to wireframing to launch and QA. 

People are taking more control of their health and require the mobility to do so straight from their smartphones. How your business harnesses this is up to you.