Snapchat is getting niftier every day and its value-added capacities have allowed it to present Snapchat Spectacles. The camera equipped sunglasses are called as Spectacles and allow users to record videos wirelessly, to be shared among Snapchat friends.

Now rather than taking out your phone and documenting Snapchat videos, sharing moments have become even easier for now. The website notes, that Snapchat Spectacles allow users to "make memories, from your perspective."

The Snapchat Spectacles, also known as the technological eyewear were first announced in September and were available for use this Thursday.

Here's everything you need to know while using Snapchat Spectacles

Snapchat Spectacles cost $130 and are available in three colors: Black, Teal and Coral.

Snapchat Spectacles have the capacity to record 10 second video clips with a 115 degree angle lens. This is an exact representation of how a human eye tends to capture images through a circular field of view.

CEO of Snapchat Evan Spiegel gave a trial and documented a hiking trip using the Spectacles and described the experience to The Journal:

"I could see my own memory, through my own eyes-it was unbelievable. It's one thing to see images of an experience you had, but it's another thing to have an experience of the experience. It was the closest I'd ever come to feeling like I was there again."

Videos taken by the Snapchat Spectacles are automatically saved to the Memories section of the app. Videos can be easily edited and sent to the friends or added on the story.

To record a snap, simply tap a button at the top left hand corner of the Spectacles. The Spectacles will stop recording after ten seconds, but you can tap again and add another 10 second video. In a nutshell, a total video of 30 seconds can be added at a time. You will also see an inward facing light when using the Snapchat Spectacles, and an outward facing light is also present just to show others that you are recording.

Snapchat Spectacles work well with Android and iOS devices. Android users can transfer snaps through Wi-Fi, but iPhone users can transfer the snaps through the Spectacles using the sunglasses' Bluetooth connection and Wi-Fi.

The Snapchat Spectacles are supposed to go one for a day. Meaning their battery life is quite durable. The outward facing light has a dual purpose; the second function is to specify how much battery is left. Each pair is accompanied with a charging case that can recharge the frame up to four times.

The Snapchat Spectacle costs around $129.99. Snapchat maintained that it is only making "limited number" of the spectacles. According to Ad Week, Snapchat Spectacles are only being sold in vending machines (Snapbots) and users can't buy them from the site.

The first machine came out in Venice Beach, California. Only 100+ people can get through a 3 hour wait.

The Spectacles are not waterproof and the manufacturing giant have discouraged its use in extreme, harsh temperatures.

As for now CEO Evan Spiegel actually wants the Snapchat Spectacles to be considered as a toy for now.

"We're going to take a slow approach to rolling them out," he told The Journal. "It's about us figuring out if it fits into people's lives and seeing how they like it."