Donald Trump, the 45th President-elected will take office on Jan. 20, 2017. His first 100 days plan after becoming the new President of the United States of America has been laid out. Here's what one can expect from the "Donald Trump's Contract With The American Voter."

As President of the US, Trump's plan for the first 100 days will primarily focus on protection of American workers, reinstate rule of law and cleanse Washington, which includes the imposition of term limits on Congress, reports NPR.

Trump has his plan laid out and he would be introducing legislation that will include funding the wall construction at the Southern border, which will be later reimbursed by Mexico; boost investment in infrastructure; rebuild the military bases, and revoke Obamacare, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, and Trump discussed some of the plans that are coming up. McConnell backed some of Trump's plans for rolling back Obamacare, which is on top priority; formulating a comprehensive tax reform as well as achieving border security.

However, he dampened the plans in relation to infrastructure by deprioritizing them. Moreover, he is also not in favor of the imposition of the term limits as he feels that the elections already serve the same purpose.

The contract Trump entered into with the American Voters mentions that on the first day of his term of office, he would propose a Constitutional Amendment that would impose term limit for Congress members, enforce a 5-year ban on White House as well as Congressional officials, who become lobbyists after leaving government services and also a impose a lifetime ban on officials from the White House, who are lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

Additionally, he would on the same day renegotiate the NAFTA, withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, label China as a currency manipulator, and lift restrictions on the $50 trillion dollars' worth of job-creating American energy reserves, including oil, natural gas, shale and clean coal. He would also lift the Obama-Clinton roadblock to pave way for vital energy infrastructure projects and cancel all the billions of payments to the U.N. climate change program and redirect the funds for America's environmental and water infrastructure.

Trump also promises to cancel all the orders, memorandums and executive actions that were issued by President Obama. Moreover, he will also cancel funding of Sanctuary Cities. He also plans to begin the removal of the 2 million illegal immigrants from the country. Additionally, immigration from terror-prone regions will be suspended and extreme vetting of people will be considered.