Donald Trump has been defying all expectations from the very beginning of his presidential campaign more than a year ago. Very few people actually believed he would actually run, yet he did.

They thought he wouldn't climb in the polls, wouldn't win in any primary, and wouldn't win the Republican nomination. Yet he did all of that and more.

Now Donald Trump is the elected President of the United States.

But how did he pulled off the unbelievable election victory? Here are four possible reasons:

First, Midwest Math

During his campaign, Trump was focused on the four blue states in the rust belt of the upper Great Lakes - Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Those four were traditionally Democratic states. Each of them, except Pennsylvania, have elected a Republican governor since 2010. Michigan voted for the Republicans (1.32 million) than the Democrats (1.19 million) in primary in March.

Trump was ahead of Clinton in the latest polls in Pennsylvania and tied with her in Ohio. Yes, it's strange that the result was tied after everything Trump has said and done.

But, maybe it's because he's said to the people that Hillarys' support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump hammered Clinton on that and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally tricked the people of these four blue states.

The Trump wave hit in the places it had to... and it hit pretty hard.

Second, the Outsider

Trump ran against the Democrats but also against the powers within his own party and he beat them all. He built a throne of skulls out of his Republican primary opponents Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz. The holdouts such as Ohio Governor John Kasich and Jeb Bush are now on the outside of their party.

For the rest of the party insiders, Trump didn't need their help. Even more, he may have won the elections because he was willing to take a stand against them.

That pox-on-them-all attitude more likely provided his independence and outsider status at the time when much of the Americans publically reviled Washington.

Third, the Last Stand of the Angry White Man

It's hard to imagine that the 240-year male-dominated run of the U.S. can possibly come to an end and one woman to take over! That just couldn't happen on male watch!

After Nixon impose the rule that said girls in school should get an equal chance at playing sports, letting them fly commercial jets and Beyoncé stormed on the field at this year's Super Bowl (male game!) with an army of Black Women, men just couldn't let more things go in female favor.

This small peek into the mind of the imperiled male mind gives a sense that the power has slipped out of their hands. That their way of doing things is no longer how things are done in America.

They couldn't let some "Feminazi" monster, the thing that as Trump says, "bleeds through her eyes or wherever she bleeds," to conquer them, so they gave their votes to the Republican candidate.

Fourth, the Hillary Problem

There are many people that actually like Hillary and she has been given a bad rap she doesn't truly deserve. However, her vote for the Iraq War made many people promise that they would never vote for her again.

Clinton is pretty unpopular since almost 70 percent of all voters think she isn't trustworthy and honest. She is old school politician that just make promises without really believing in anything other than what to say or do to be elected at the end.

Remember the time when she fought against gays getting married and then next thing she did was officiating a gay marriage.

Young women are among Hillary's biggest critics and that has to hurt knowing the sacrifices and the battles that she and other women of her generation endured so that this younger generation would never have to be told that they should just shut their mouth and go in the kitchen.

However, millennials are saying that they weren't voting for her.

No Democrat, and certainly no independent fan has woke up on Nov. 8 excited to go out and vote for Hillary. The enthusiasm from the day Obama became President or when Bernie was on the primary ballot just isn't there anymore.

It looks like U.S. Elections 2016 were come down to just one thing - who managed to drag the most people out of the house and gets them to the polls will win, and Donald Trump just did that and win over the Hillary Clinton.