"Fifty Shades Darker" is all set to release in February 2017 and fans of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele cannot wait to feast upon the sizzling chemistry of the on-screen couple. However, it would surprise one to know that Jamie Dornan is nothing like his character in real life.

In an interview with TV Week, Dornan said that he does not share Grey's inclination to kinky bedroom toys. The actor is not into BDSM and neither is his wife. Expressing wonder at the fact that he is talking about his sex life, he said that it is funny because there is a huge market for it and there are a lot of people who are into a certain type of sex or sex toys.

However, he is not one of those people and it does not interest him at all, reports Melty. Dornan also spoke about his other character Paul Spector, a serial killer in the British series 'The Fall' and how different he is from Grey. He said that he has never been given such an opportunity to play a character that is so complex, deep, dark, twisted, and psychotic. He admitted that he loved every minute of playing this role.

In the meantime, it has come to light that E.L. James, author of Fifty Shades trilogy is planning to write a fourth book that would solely focus on Christian Grey. However, Dornan does not seem interested in continuing with the role. He said that he has done two movies back to back and he feels that he is done with Fifty Shades forever.

The actor stated that he moves on very fast in his mind and he hops on to the next project and worries about the upcoming character. So, it is clear that Dornan is ready to move away from the shadow of Grey and though it played a key role in his career, he would like to do different roles and characters.

It is worth mentioning here that Dornan shot to fame after starring in "Fifty Shades of Grey" alongside Dakota Johnson, who played Anastasia.