According to recent reports, scientists involuntarily discovered a way to reverse the combustion process, transforming carbon dioxide into energy. Scientists at Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a process, turning carbon dioxide, a pollutant, into ethanol, a renewable energy. This breakthrough can have unimaginable benefits for the world scrambling for fuel resources.

Adam Rondinone lead author of study told CBS News that the discovery was unexpected but also very fortunate. His team was using nanotechnology and electricity to test another chemical reaction when they accidentally discovered a method that turns carbon dioxide into ethanol.

The researchers claimed that their discovery will alter the way carbon dioxide has been treated over the years. Carbon dioxide is the most polluting by-product of fossil fuel consumption and if it can be transformed into fuel successfully, it can change high-energy countries take their first practical step towards effective energy independence. Moreover, with the help of this process, renewable energy could be stored as ethanol, increasing the supply as well as availability.

This is the not the first time that carbon dioxide has been attempted to turn into something more useful into metal based catalysts such as silver, platinum, copper and gold. However, the opposing reactions created in the process generated each product in very little quantities.

With the help of nanotechnology, Rondidone and his team of researchers were able to control the number of competing reactions and get higher amount of ethanol. The catalyst in this process uses small amount of copper, and not rare exclusive materials. Additionally, the reaction can operate at room temperature, making it economically feasible on a much grander scale.

Conversion of carbon dioxide into ethanol could prove extremely valuable for the environment, transforming greenhouse gas into ethanol. It may not produce one-third less energy than gasoline, but it also produces far fewer by-products.