Stories of UFO sightings and aliens got a fresh boost recently when an unusual dark circular object was spotted shooting across the sky in Geneva. Ever since the intriguing flying object was witnessed, theories about aliens and extraterrestrial activity have gained ground and the video has gone viral on social media.

People who saw the supposed UFO were left baffled by its appearance and it led many to speculate about extraterrestrial activity and aliens visiting the earth, reports RT. The said flying object appeared on Wednesday evening near Geneva stadium in the Praille area. A dark object was seen flashing through the sky, compelling many witnesses to capture the incident on their mobile phone cameras.

Later, they posted the same along with photos of the UFO on social media, fuelling interest in the sighting. One witness told Tribune de Genève that the UFO gave out a shrill noise and was as big in size as a plane. It was seen around 8:30 p.m. and the incident lasted for about 20 seconds. The object departed at once, giving the impression as though it was burning. Another witness also admitted to being awe-struck by the sighting and said that it has augmented his belief in UFOs by a substantial degree.

However, no such sighting was noticed by the control tower of Geneva International Airport. It did not detect any strange activity over the said area between 8 p.m. and midnight, leading to doubts about the nature of the flying object. According to one popular theory, it could be a drone with LEDs attached to its body but the majority was against this theory and believed the flying object to be a UFO.

Fabio Chironi, owner of an aerial photography company said that the craft was too big to be a drone and it did not look like a drone as well. It did not bear any resemblance to any drone model. The lights were arranged under the ends when they are usually arranged under the arms. Also, they were not of different colors, as is the normal case to distinguish the front from the back.