Interest for the HTC Vive continues to grow as reports regarding its device accessory surfaced. The Steam Dev Days conference in Washington is a revelation as developers saw the new virtual reality (VR) controller.

The VR headset of the HTC group has been on the radar for quite some time. Enhancing it is a significant approach to its overall marketability which is why the emergence of a management system fueled lots of anticipation.

The upcoming Vive controller comes with amazing features. For one, it has Velcro straps that will be fastened on the wrist of a user. Another leash will also hold the palms to add further flexibility and manageability. Judging from its setup, gamers will be spared the trouble of unconsciously dropping the product.

According to GameSpot, the control system allows users to track their hand movements in order to repeat it in-game.

The VR accessory has built-in sensors that monitor the opening and closing of hands. Such activities are associated with the gripping or dropping of items during a game.

Vive's current controller allows the tracking of various grasps which depend on button presses placed on the sides, back and upper portion of the unit. However, natural hand movements are yet to be replicated by the accessory.

At this time, developers are prioritized to look and engage with the controller since the device is still in beta phase. A lot of testing and experimentations will most probably take place before the Vive control system will be unveiled in the market.

The glimpse on the VR controller may be in line with the launching of the Oculus item. Sony has revealed its VR gaming accessory for its PlayStation just recently. Considering that wand-like structure of the PS controls, Valve is instituting a different, more natural outlook for its Velcro-held device.

In addition, Valve aims to enhance its lighthouse tracking developments in order to make its technology a benchmark in the VR aspect.