"Star Wars: Episode 8" will not hit the theatres until the end of next year. However, fans are eager to know answers to certain cliffhangers that "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" (Episode 7) left for them to ponder upon.

Several rumors and speculations surrounding "Star Wars: Episode 8" have been flooding the internet in the recent weeks. While nobody knows what the cast and crew members may have in store for the fans, here is a summary of what is already known or almost confirmed about the plot of the movie.

Warwick Davis is returning as Ewok

Davis first appeared in "Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi" in 1983. Since then, he has been a part of the franchisee. The actor is returning again in "Star Wars: Episode 8." He is expected to play a mysterious role, details of which have not been released yet.

Focus will be on past events, rather than future

"Star Wars: Episode 8" would primarily focus on Rey's vision of the things that happened in the past, how Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy failed and sequence of events that made Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) stand against him. As earlier speculation, the movie would not focus on the future events.

Leader Snoke's identity will be revealed

Who is Leader Snoke is by far, one of the most mysterious secrets that is yet to be unveiled. It is speculated that Snoke's identity and his location will be revealed in the upcoming movie. Kylo Ren, and General Hux may visit Snoke's base, as instructed by him in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

A video uploaded by YouTube user Mike Zeroh recently revealed that Snoke lives on a planet called Ragnacta and is physically incapable of leaving the planet.

Han Solo may return

The Melty Galaxy earlier reported that Han Solo may return in "Star Wars: Episode 8." The actor who plays the character, Harrison Ford, indicated his return in the upcoming installment in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, which sparked a series of rumors.