T-Mobile's enthusiastic CEO John Legere took to Twitter to reveal future plans for his company that will "transform" the wireless industry.

After "shaking up" the wireless industry in 2013, T-Mobile has some big goals for 2014. The company's CEO John Legere proudly posted goals they achieved in 2013 and revealed resolutions for 2014 on social networking site, Twitter.  According to Legere, the company will "transform the wireless industry" this year.

T-Mobile has definitely grown to become a tough contender in the nation's wireless carrier race, which is well-dominated by Verizon and AT&T. The last few years have significantly worked in T-Mobile's favor, as the carrier changed the way wireless industry has worked for years.

T-Mobile now stands third in the nation's leading wireless carriers list, following the trail of Verizon and AT&T securing the first and second place respectively. The U.S. carrier now offers latest smartphones launched from leading companies like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Apple iPhone 5S, same day as other carriers start offering.

T-Mobile became the first U.S. carrier to break the contract-base system that has been followed by other carriers. The company's Uncarrier Plan gave customers the choice to continue with a carrier for two years or change.

By charging full price for the phones, but offering monthly installment plans, T-Mobile offered different affordable plans. This plan fuelled the multiplication of its subscribers by almost 200 percent this year. More recently, T-Mo also started offering to pay users to switch from their current network. The reimbursement was mainly to cover the cost of the early termination fees by former carriers after they'd switch to T-Mobile.

T-Mobile had an exciting year and the New Year brings more promises. According to the Legere's post, T-Mobile will "continue to remove customer pain points."  And build on its swiftly growing 4G LTE network in the U.S. It is also motivated to "unshackle the family from those other guys," which hints at Uncarrier 4.0.

According to TMO News, the company's upcoming Uncarrier 4.0 is very much focused on family plans. The post also asserts that it will "make waves at CES 2014, ″ which is quite interesting as T-Mobile customers are in for some exciting news next week.

Let the transformation begin! RT "@TMobile: 2013, check! 2014... @JohnLegere has some plans for you... #uncarrier pic.twitter.com/TlJ3RawwOU"

- John Legere (@JohnLegere) January 2, 2014

It also hopes on giving AT&T "a break... or not," which clearly hints at T-Mo's ambitions to secure second place in the national ranking before this year ends.