NASA scientist got another breakthrough discovery this time. Europa, one of Jupiter's moon and sixth-largest moon in the Solar System, got the attention of scientist again this time.

Earlier discoveries on Europa was in 2012 when the Hubble Space Telescope was able to obtain an image of Europa identifying a water vapor plumes that were also comparable to Saturn's moon, Enceladus, due to erupting cryo-geysers. Until now, the discovery is not yet proven because no spacecraft has yet landed on Europa until this new finding emerges.

According to Christian Science Monitor, NASA scientists are so thrilled to the new discovery in Europa's icy surface. A giant water plume seems to be ejecting on the southern part region of Europa different from what was observe in 2012. And if plumes do exist there's a big possibility that sign of life also exists on Europa's shell.

The report also says that NASA once considers sending a rover, just like they use in Mars, to land in Europa and take a sample of its icy surface that might disclose sign of life and study the composition of it. It is also stated that NASA can also carry out the study with landing on it.

On a separate report of, the mysterious fountains of water are spewing more than 100 miles in the space that contain 2 million pounds of water or ice. The discovery would mean that Europa will be on NASA's list as one of the top priority for searching life forms.

The report also says that the researcher still wishes that the Hubble Space Telescope or its successor, the James Webb Space Telescope would gather more evidence and results in the coming days.

Earlier reports told that NASA is now setting up to launch a space mission to Europa in 2022. The task is to look at possibility if the place is fit for human habitation now that a new finding just emerge.

Will the mission to Europa bring us new discovery and can say that human can live there?