2013 was undoubtedly the year that the super hero movie took off in the public eye. Sure Joss Whedon's the Avengers proved that you could take extremely complex storylines meant for comic books can be made for the big screen but 2013 is where that proof of concept really took off. With Marvel almost finished with Phase 2 and DC gearing up to begin its very own cinematic universe, there was never a better year to be a fan of super hero movies. Below are our picks for the top 5 most important heroes of 2013.

Superman: The Man of Steel has had a long history of films but none quite like the Zach Snyder directed and Christopher Nolan produced epic that came to the silver screen this past year. We could spend all day discussing why "Man of Steel" worked or didn't, but there's no question about the impact this movie had. Its success has opened the door for an entire Justice League film universe. Man of Steel 2 promises to a hero packed thrill that will put multiple DC comic heroes in the same film for the first time ever. Whether you were a fan of the film or not, Superman makes the list as one of the most important super heroes of 2013.

Iron Man: Iron Man has been a staple in the super hero movie genre for about half a decade now. However, this year's Iron Man 3 had the privilege and burden of having to be the first step in Marvel's post-Avengers Phase 2. The famed Battle of New York was such an epic moment the film's universe that having to carry the weight of an individual story afterwards was tough cross to bare. However, thanks to Robert Downey Jr.'s unique portrayal of the rich iron-clad hero, mixed with a little PTSD, the film went off without a hitch. It even set the stage for Thor  and Captain America to have their very own post-Avengers sequels. Add in Guardians of the Galaxy and Age of Ultron and the Marvel cinematic universe can thank its anchor Iron Man for his ability to prove that there is life in a super hero universe following a crossover.

Spider-Man: Before you say anything, I'm aware that Spider-Man did not have a new film out this year. However, the viral marketing and trailers for Andrew Garfield's portrayal in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 cannot be ignored. Sure heroes like Superman and the Avengers deal with the big-time alien threats, but who is the masked vigilante that's going to beat the snot out of the guy trying to steal your wallet or purse in a dark alley? Enter your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. All super hero movies have to be epic by nature, but Spider-Man 2 is going to have its epic qualities but sites like the Daily Bugle on Tumblr have given the film a feel from the streets of New York City, and that hasn't gone unnoticed by the public. So yes, Spidey makes our list of 2013 heroes, despite his film not coming out in 2014. For that matter, many can get ready for three new films in the Spider-Man universe, including one centered around the villain Venom.

Thor: This one is pretty much a no-brainer. Thor made his way back form Asgard for one more epic adventure against the Dark Trolls. He even managed to find a creative way to bring back Tom Hiddleston's Loki character. Thor brought Marvel's Phase 2 into reality, along with Iron Man, to create one of this year's best super hero blockbusters. For that reason, and because we're afraid he'll beat us up if we don't, he's made our list of 2013's best super heroes.

Batman: Did I mention that I have a soft spot for multi-hero movies? Well thanks to the caped crusader's immense popularity following Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" trilogy, Batman will be returning to join, or battle, Superman in the sequel to this year's popular hit. Sure we can debate whether or not Ben Affleck will make a good Batman, but the fact of the matter is, this hero's presence in the public eye in 2013 can absolutely not be ignored.

Wonder Woman: This one is simple. A female super hero at last! Sure she won't be getting her very own movie and will be piggy backing off of Superman and Batman, but it's something, and who are we to scoff at progress? No one, that's who.