Proterra, a US-based manufacturing company of electric buses, has been working on all-electric zero-emissions vehicles for years, and its latest model has a very impressive range.

Its Catalyst E2 Series buses can drive up to 350 (560 kilometers) miles before recharging, which means it can go a little further than Tesla's top-tier Model S that (300+ mile range).

These buses can also outlast its antecedent that can only go for 258 miles on a single charge.E2 series buses are capable of serving the full daily mileage needs of nearly every U.S. mass transit route on a single charge and offers the transit industry the first direct replacement for fossil-fueled transit vehicles. 

As Wired notes, Proterra's electric bus might even be better in comparison to cars, since they don't need a huge network of charging stations.

As they drive a set route, cities can simply install somewhere they usually pass. What's more, the Catalyst E2 Series buses might not even need to recharge until the end of the day. Additionally, not every person can afford an electric car, but most people can afford to ride a bus.

Proterra named the new bus for its unprecedented battery, which can store up to 660 kWh. In comparison, the Chevy's electric passenger car, the Bolt, has a 60 kWh battery while the largest Tesla Model S has a 100 kWh battery.

They can achieve that impressive range thanks to their lightweight frame and regenerative braking system. The only thing that may hold companies and cities back from buying E2 is the price, $799,000, over twice the amount of a common diesel bus.

People from Proterra are probably hoping that government subsidies, along with the maintenance and fuel savings they can get, can convince them to buy this new electric, zero-emission vehicle that has an impressive range. People in Los Angeles might be able to ride one of the first E2 buses in 2017.