Fans are much excited to see what the cook pirate Sanji is up to in One Piece 841, considering how Episode 840 ended in such a cliffhanger.

In the previous episode of One Piece, as per the report of The Bitbag, it was revealed that Sanji along with his Vinsmoke siblings were all products of several genetic experimentations. Jajji (pronounced as Judge) who was their father and creator told the Vinsmoke children that all of them are the "result of the most advanced, progressive, scientific breakthrough, and genetic engineering."

Jajji further revealed that he was once a brilliant scientist that is working with Vegapunk in developing hi-tech weaponry until he discovered "the blueprints to life itself." As a result, he created Sanji and the rest of the Vinsmoke siblings with a goal to create soldiers with enhanced skills and abilities that are way beyond normal human capabilities. Their old man further called his children his greatest creations.

Upon learning this, a flashback of Sanji's childhood was shown in One Piece Episode 840.Christian Today reported that Sanji was not able to become powerful and bloodthirsty as his other siblings, thus, Jajji rendered him a genetic failure. The Vinsmoke patriarch considered Sanji dead and locked him up. The media outlet noted that the episode ended with little Sanji yelling through his cell bars and begging his father to let him out while apologizing for having born as a weakling.

Sanji, filled with much hatred to his father, as fans speculated, would unleash all hell and reveal his full potential that has been dormant since his childhood in One Piece 841. Contrary to his father's belief that Sanji is "normal," this event, however, would trigger Sanji to unveil his true powers.  

These details remain, however, remain to be confirmed in the upcoming One Piece 841 that is set for release sometime next week. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!