The Justice League trailer surely blew the world by storm as it features a bad ass rendition of the popular superheroes that we grew fond of. However, Ironhead Studios made it look cooler than ever before as it released new pictures showing the actual look of the superheroes' costumes.

The Flash suit that will be seen in Justice League was originally planned for the scene entitled "Knightmare". Knightmare is a scene where the Flash talks to Bruce Wayne in hopes of becoming an intern of the Dark Knight.

Getting to Know Cyborg's Costume for Justice League

Despite the tough feel of the Cyborg costume, it still isn't that good enough for some as it covers up the real physical appearance of the character due to the full face mask that it has.

The mask that Cyborg uses is also originally designed to be a retractable one. But due to the similarities that it would have if it was to be compared to the Iron Man suit, a few alterations were made, resulting to the one seen in the trailer.

For the two new costumes of Flash and Cyborg, it hints out that everything that you will see in Justice League has a dark theme to it, where the feelings of mystery and thrill surround the very plot and personality of the movie.

What's Up with Flash's Costume for Justice League?

Flash is depicted to be more of a light-headed and jolly guy in previous adaptations of the superhero in various media. However, in Justice League, he is definitely toned down, suggesting that surprising things await the character.

Surely, Justice League would be one of the superhero movies that will capture the imagination of audiences, fans or non-fans alike. DC is known to have movies that are more adult-inclined so it is best to expect that a darker, more violent, and a more practical and realistic plot scene will be on the big screens this coming 2017.