Needless to say, Ramsay Bolton looks like an easy winner of the fight that is to ensue between Jon Snow and the bastard of Roose Bolton. The only glimmer of hope is Sansa Stark's mysterious SOS letter that may be a call for Vale's army courtesy of Petyr Baelish.

Recent reports note that ninth episode of season 6 may dedicate all its 60 minutes to the battle. The publication also pointed out that the fans may not see much about the brewing issues at the King's landing, Daenerys' return to Meeren or Bran Stark's problem with the Knight King in this week's episode.

Ideally, the last episode of this season will tackle these impending issues while "Battle of the Bastards" will be all about the war. Reports also suggest that the battle will see a few key deaths in this episode. Many fans predict that Rickon Stark will most likely be killed in this episode. Another speculation hints at Tormund Giantsbane, Wildling leader, will also likely die in the battle as he is a well-liked character and he has already fulfilled his purpose of uniting House Stark with the Wildlings. Topping the list of likely deaths is Ramsay Bolton who is most likely to die in the battle. However, there is always a possibility of a different ending.

"Game Of Thrones" Season 6 Episode 9, "Battle Of The Bastards" airs on HBO on June 19 preceding season finale "The Winds Of Winter" on June 26.