Ubisoft's highly anticipated "Watch Dogs" release was delayed in October, but the game developers are not holding back details about their open-world project.

In an interview with IGN, Ubisoft North American president Laurent Detoc explained the next-gen game has strayed greatly from its original vision. In fact, the game was supposed the be the engine for "Driver".

"Watch Dogs wasn't started as Watch Dogs," Detoc told IGN. "They were working on a driving engine, working on something. We had the Driver license. This was years ago. Then we were thinking, 'no, this is not the way we want to go with a driving game,' so we cancelled that and restarted. It's not like Watch Dogs started as Watch Dogs."

"At some point it changed," Detoc added. "That's at least three years ago, and then the Watch Dogs project reused some of the work that had been done on this driving engine."

Detoc explained that it wasn't that "Driver" morphed into "Watch Dogs" overnight, but rather the world being created wasn't just a "driving" game. The developers also kept the open-world aspect in mind, and eventually decided it was time to do some rethinking in the development.

"A few other people come in, a new creative director, and then they start a new game," Detoc said. "I wouldn't say that Driver became Watch Dogs, because that's not true. That's not really what happens. What happens is that a game gets cancelled, and then you take pieces of that game to make a new one. We could have had another driving engine from another team in another place, and then it would have been used by the Watch Dogs team."

"Watch Dogs" is set to be released in Spring 2014, but Ubisoft has not confirmed an official launch date. Check out the trailer for the next-gen game below.