Rumple sacrificed himself, Regina returned the storybook characters to the Enchanted Forest and Emma and Henry are living happily ever after. Here are my questions following 'Going Home':

No. 1-How did Hook get back to New York?

At the end of the episode Hook arrived back in the real world to once again have Emma save the day. His attempts were futile since Emma has no idea who he - or any other storybook character - is. Did Hook use the Jolly Roger to travel between realms once again? Or did it require a little help from Regina or Rumple?

No. 2-What will the relationships be like when the gang returns to their homeland?

When everyone first left the enchanted forest Regina was the Evil Queen and quite frankly everyone hated her. Now, that they've been through quite a bit together, what will the new dynamic be when everyone returns home? (Even if people wanted to hate Regina again, the debut of this character may put everyone back on the same team.)

No. 3 - What is Emma's occupation?

Emma was a bail bondsman before she became a fairytale superhero. Since she has no memory of what happened the last two and a half seasons, will she continue her previous profession as if nothing changed? Or does she do something else?

No. 4-Assuming Emma does reunite with her family, will she have to go through the introduction process all over again?

Getting to know her parents the first time was a very emotional and time consuming experience for Emma the first time around. Will she - and Henry - have to go through that again? Or is there a spell to avoid a repeat?

"Once Upon a Time" returns March 9 on ABC.

Once Upon a Time Midseason Premiere Spoilers: Hook Continues to Remind Emma; Rebecca Mader Debuts as Elphaba