Nokia proved to be the knight in shining armor for a teenager who was declined a replacement for his Samsung Galaxy S4 until he removed the video of the burnt smartphone. The Finnish maker offered a Lumia phone to the youth challenging Samsung's customer service.

A recent incident of Samsung Galaxy S4 catching fire went viral after the user submitted a video online on YouTube. Samsung had allegedly asked the owner of the burnt Galaxy S4, Richard Wygand (@ghostlyrich), to remove the video of the incident before the company could replace the in-warranty device. The video, which was not removed, did not stop Wygand from getting a new phone. Nokia took advantage of the situation and offered a Lumia smartphone, at no cost.

Microsoft is not giving up on any chance it may get to win a new customer. The widely reported incident was addressed by Nokia USA in a tweet, Monday, which reads:

.@ghostlyrich we want to help you out. Let me send you a Nokia Lumia so you can experience how customer service should *really* work. -Jason

- Nokia USA (@NokiaUS) December 9, 2013

Nokia did not specify the model that will be sent to Wygand, but it is likely that the phone maker may offer a Lumia 1020 or 920 for its high-end specifications. Nokia followed up on the incident by contacting Wygand on Twitter asking his carrier details. According to Wygand's tweets, he uses Rogers Wireless in Canada.

""I've had years of experience with Samsung products. I've never had problems with them. But after this customer service. It's just driving at me. You can kind of see from the fury in the video," Wygand said.

Microsoft has participated in a similar incident by offering free Windows Phones to five users who reported the best story on Android malware problems, two years ago.

Samsung has not responded publicly on the incident nor has it commented on its reply to Wygand.