The latest "Battlefield 5" rumor is here, and it may prove to be one of the most interesting ones yet. Thanks to an alleged leak, fans have been alerted to the possibility of EA's latest FPS having a female play as the lead role.

Our latest rumor comes from YouTuber IceManAuz, who posted an email sent to him by an insider, which details several tidbits of information about the game, most notably that the next "Battlefield" will have you play as a female soldier.

The text in the video reads in part: "I'll keep this short. The next 'Battlefield' will be set in the near future. Most of the singleplayer and multiplayer is set in North America, mostly the USA. The singleplayer revolves around a military coup in the USA. The protagonist is a woman."

This is certainly an interesting development, but do note that neither DICE nor EA have confirmed whether the information is true. However, if it pans out, it will represent a first for the series, as well as a first for this type of FPS. Granted, there are shooters that have female protagonists, such as Samus Aran in the "Metorid" series and Joanna Dark in "Perfect Dark," but those games don't throw you into the middle of a war. In a similar vein, it would be a progressive step in showing the role that women play in war - albeit in a fictional setting.

You'll also notice that the quote says the single player campaign will be set in the near future and the plot will cover a military coup that occurs in the U.S. Three of these locations that the game will take you to will be Alaska, California and Kansas, and images of each landscape were compiled online.

"This game's weather system will be a big selling point. Tornadoes, blizzards, thunderstorms, floods, etc." the texts continues.

Though not as interesting as the possibility of being able to play as a woman, a weather system in a shooter is still quite significant. One would often see weather systems in RPGs, which would impact which enemies would appear or even their attack patterns, but a weather system in a shooter would be an entirely different beast. The effectiveness of weaponry can change drastically depending on the weather, so it would be interesting to see how "Battlefield 5" integrates this.

As mentioned before, it's uknown if all of this is true, but if it is, then we certainly can look forward to a ground-breaking installment for the "Battlefield series." In the meantime, we'll just have to wait to see if all of this pans out once the game is revealed at EA play in June, with a beta reportedly to be made available soon after.

Check out the IceManAuz's video below: