New York Mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg announced that he was to ban all soda beverages above sixteen ounces from stores.

This ban would allow market retailers and stores to only sell carbonated drinks in specific amounts. According the Jon Stewart, host of “The Daily Show” commented on the said ban “combines the draconian government overreach people love with the probable lack of results they expect.”

According to researchers, the proposed ban would only provoke people to buy more sodas in packs rather than the large can.

By doing this, people are at risk of consuming more calories than they would have if a single can would have quenched their thirst. The proposed ban would also cause people to order more quantities of smaller cups of sodas to quench their regular intake of the carbonated drink. This would mean that beverage purveyors would see increase in their revenue due to the higher demand in cups, straws and lids needed to hold these sodas.

Most researchers have theorized that this form of ban, though made out of goodwill would propose certain unwanted consequences. Health officials were fazed by the legal announcement as they have been trying to put to stop the obesity problems that people have been getting into due to too much sugar and calorie consumption.

Statistic showed that teenagers and adults were likely to buy a higher number of sodas in fast food chains and in grocery stores if the ban becomes effective rather than when they were free to buy the carbonated drinks at any amount.

David Just, a professor at the Cornell University said that such bans would come off as a restrictive measure to consumers thus giving them the urge to buy more than they would actually have purchased. This would make consumers rebellious forgetting the health risks involved.