The "Don Jon" actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt is bringing a new type of variety show to cable television with his show "Hit RECord on TV" which was inspired by his collaborative, multimedia project HitRECord, according to

Levitt's online production company, HitRECord, has been producing creative content in collaboration with any and everyone, according to The Verge. 

According to a video Levitt released announcing the TV show and how it would work, the company was a hobby of his and his brother until 2010 when they had the funds to launch it professionally.

Now, Levitt is taking the idea behind his company into 30-minute segments that will feature short films, music, animations and live performances. Levitt said the show was created by "hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world," according to the HuffingtonPost.

With his production company, the content created is also produced by regular people with Levitt adding, joining or using the ideas to create a variety of artistic expressions through media.

For the show, each piece the company created is made by users under the direction of Levitt, HuffingtonPost reported. Many of the credits on the productions include hundredsof user names.

The show will premiere on the cable network Pivot on January 18 as the network hopes to reinvent what a variety show can be, according to the HuffingtonPost.

"These guys actually get it," Levitt said, according to the HuffingtonPost. "They're not just interested because I'm in Batman ... If I wanted to make maximum money, I wouldn't have started an open platform production company."

Levitt expressed his passion for variety shows adding: "I love variety, I like performing live ... I grew up on 'Third Rock From The Sun' performing live for big laughs ... Let's just do a whole bunch of really fun shit."