"The Tomorrow People" is picking up the pace and I'm pretty excited about where it's headed. Here are the questions I have after watching "Thanatos".

No. 1-How long will John stay captured at Ultra?

John spared Jedekiah's life but that did not mean Stephen's uncle was going to let him walk free. We watched him get dragged across the floor by Ultra agents as he entered headquarters. Will Stephen, Cara and Russell be able to free him?

No. 2-Now that secrets have been exposed, what will Jedekiah do next?

In this episode Jedekiah learned Cara still had her powers. She lied and said she and the gang were in possession of a cure to the serum but obviously Jedekiah was not buying it. Will Jedekiah try to kill Cara? He most likely suspects Stephen helped Cara. Will Stephen's uncle go after him like he went after his father?

No. 3-How long until John's secret comes out?

I am enjoying how the show gives reveals secrets slowly but surely. We now know Stephen's dad did not die in the explosion. However, John shot him after the car exploded. When will the rest of the Tomorrow People know what we know?

No. 4-Will Stephen and Cara grow close in John's absence?

If John stays captured, he won't be around Cara for a while. Will this give "Stara" fans the alone time they've been waiting for between Stephen and Cara?

"The Tomorrow People" airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

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