Daisy Ridley hit the jackpot when it came to her big break in Hollywood as the formerly unknown British actress was cast as the lead protagonist in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Her performance was met with widespread praise and she emerged as one of the breakout stars of J.J. Abrams' newest addition to the "Star Wars" saga.

But Ridley doesn't want to be a one-hit wonder like so many "Star Wars" cast members of the past. That's why it's great to hear that she's being eyed to anchor another big blockbuster franchise.

Ridley is reportedly on the short list of candidates being considered by Warner Bros and MGM for the upcoming "Tomb Raider" reboot.  The 23-year-old would assume the role of Lara Croft, first played by Angelina Jolie in 2001 and 2003.

It is still early in the process and no official negotiations or offers have been exchanged as of yet. The film's producers seem intent on keeping their options open at this initial stage in the game. However, conversations between the two sides have taken place and this is a highly coveted gig for any young actress.

Based on the long-running video game franchise, "Tomb Raider" follows English archaeologist (think British version of Indiana Jones or Alan Quartermaine) Lara Croft as she embarks on a handful of adventures.

The most recent adaptation has languished in developmental purgatory for several years, but it received a new lease on life when the video game series was rebooted by Square Enix with 2013's "Tomb Raider," which served as an origin story of sorts. It was followed by the popular "Rise of The Tomb Raider." These games revolved around Croft as an archeology student and young professional and it is believed those elements will be included into the film.

Ridley is currently busy filming "Star Wars: Episode VIII" and is also expected to appear in 2019's "Star Wars: Episode IX." Sandwiching another tentpole franchise into her schedule will be difficult, but not impossible. If offered the role, it's hard to see Ridley turning down such a valuable opportunity.

We'll keep you posted as more details become available.