Can you really drink alcohol in a "healthy" way? Are one or two bottles of booze enough? While drinking alcohol is a matter of preference, there is such a thing as drinking responsibly. You can indulge during happy hour and keep the hour happy by making better choices.

Doctors always say booze is never good for your health and countless of studies have shown that drinking alcohol can lead to diseases and contribute to weight gain. If you're trying to control weight gain or are keeping tabs of your health, you still can enjoy the occasional drink if you're mindful about it.

Beer is reportedly the third most popular drink in the world, next to water and tea, but alcoholic drinks are usually packed with calories. However, there are certain types of alcohol that contain less sugar but still have enough kick to rev up your night with friends. There are also drinks that are so low in calories and alcohol content that you're probably better off drinking water.

Below are some things you need to keep in mind when choosing to hit the hard stuff healthy:

1) If you love wine, a standard 5-ounce glass is enough. White wine has a lower carbohydrate content than red wine, but its caloric content makes little difference. Red wine is also rich in antioxidants, which a study proves can help control fat cell growth.

2) Light beers only have about 80 to 100 calories in a bottle and have fewer alcohol content than standard brews. However, this doesn't mean you can drink more than you normally would as the numbers can still add up with each bottle.

3) Try vermouth if you're conscious about weight gain. Vermouth is a wine that has about 15 to 18 percent alcohol content, yet a study says it can aid in healthy wealth loss due to its polyphenol compounds.

4) Craft beers might taste better, but tend to have on of the highest calorie and alcohol contents. They could also make you even hungrier. (Post-bar burger run, anyone?)

5) Most cocktails are filled with sugar and other ingredients that can lead to weight gain and worse, diabetes. "Margaritas and Long Island Iced Teas can set you back more calories than a large order of McDonald's French Fries," said author of "Lean Habits for Lifelong Weight Loss" Georgie Fear.

Learn more about mindful drinking during happy hour in this video below: