An entrepreneurial Girl Scout found a quick way to keep her cookies flying off shelves by setting up shop outside a marijuana dispensary, according to KATU News. The young businesswoman set up outside Foster Buds in Portland, Ore., following in the footsteps of other Scouts that have used the legalization of the drug to their advantage.

The unnamed girl was accompanied by her aunt, who told KATU News that "the Girl Scouts organization said they don't condone this, but it's not against the rules." Foster Buds has been enthusiastic about the partnership, with a Facebook post from the shop stating that it is "proud to have the Girl Scouts selling their cookies on our corner." The dispensary even ran a tongue-in-cheek promotion in conjunction with the cookie sales, offering a strain of marijuana called Girl Scout Cookies at a reduced price if a box of the actual Girl Scout cookies were brought into the store.

When asked for comment, a spokesperson for the Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington told KATU News that a minor should not be selling cookies outside of a business if they cannot legally go inside it. Ken Martin, the manager at Foster Buds, told Oregon Live that minors are allowed in the lobby of the shop, but not on the showroom floor. Martin also said that he had been approached by people wanting to set up outside the shop before, although this is the first collaboration with the Girl Scouts.

"The marijuana industry has such a black eye," Martin told Oregon Live. "I want to try and lift that stigma and black eye and try to help out in any way that we can."

The Girl Scout was aiming to sell about 35 boxes of cookies, but expected to go past that number by the time she was finished. Her aunt told reporters that the proceeds of the sales will go towards funding her trip to horse camp.