After winning the hearts of millions of consumers, Dropbox is looking to dominate the business market. The online storage service has introduced new features for its corporate users to help them manage personal and professional files separately, in addition to new security features.

Dropbox is making its presence felt in the corporate world by introducing new features. The online storage service has received its most significant upgrades for its business users, including a feature that manages personal and corporate accounts separately. Furthermore, the data is secure in the hands of the companies with the ability to wipe everything off from certain folders.

The latest move places Dropbox in direct competition with giants like Amazon, Google, Box and others. The service has grown enormously since it was started a little more than five years ago. It has more than 200 million active users who store and share more than 1 billion files each day. Weighing its position in the business market, Dropbox is used in nearly 4 million businesses, including more than 97 percent of the Fortune 500, according to the company's Chief Executive Drew Houston.

Several people use Dropbox at their workplace to manage their personal accounts, which explains why the company has taken an initiative to simplify managing both business and personal accounts from one place.

Dropbox for business will give users two folders, one for their personal data and another for business files. The latest upgrade also brings new security features including the ability to remotely wipe the data from certain folders using connected mobile devices. The administrator or the employer's IT engineer will secure the rights to make that call, but only for your work folder, reports The Wired. The new changes do not alter the way a Dropbox account is handled.

Amazon also announced a similar tool called WorkSpaces for businesses that is identical to Dropbox.