The day may be near when diabetics will no longer need to prick their fingers.

A new breathalyzer-like device employs nanotechnology to detect acetone, which is an indicator of blood-glucose levels in diabetics, an American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists news release reported. 

Diabetes is believed to affect 347 million people globally, according to the world Health Organization, the news release reported. The condition is an autoimmune disease that can prevents cells from processing sugar in the blood. Diabetics are often required to monitor their blood-glucose levels regularly. This often involves pricking one's finger several times a day, which can lead to discomfort and result in "low compliance."

This new device could pick up readings from the patient's breath using a multilayer technology created by Ronny Priefer, Ph.D., of Western New England University. The technology uses film that is only one nanometer thick and contains to polymers that react with acetone. When the polymers react it changes the physicochemical nature of the film which has the ability to quantify the acetone and read the blood-glucose levels. 

"Breathalyzers are a growing field of study because of their potential to have a significant positive impact on patients' quality of life and compliance with diabetes monitoring. What makes our technology different is that it only accounts for acetone and doesn't react with other components in the breath," said Priefer. "The breathalyzer we currently have is about the size of a book, but we're working with an engineer, Dr. Michael Rust at Western New England University, to make it smaller, more similar to the size of a breathalyzer typically used to detect blood alcohol content levels."

Another problem with the current breathalyzer model is that it is susceptible to variables, and can give inconsistent results. 

Future tests are set to take place from 2014 to 2015

"This testing would compare readings from the breathalyzer, finger pricking, and actual glucose levels from drawn blood. Priefer is planning for patients to test the breathalyzers in an uncontrolled setting in about two years, keeping a diary of their readings and reporting back," the news release reported.