Why is communication the hardest with someone you're supposed to be committed to? Many relationships break down because of a lack of communication, and here are some reasons why it's happening and what you can do about it:

1) He doesn't know how to respond. Sometimes, this can lead to exasperation, especially if you find yourself repeating the same things and you develop the habit of nagging. Unfortunately, the best solution to this is to stop nagging, extend your patience and wait for the response or the action, according to Red Book. Some men can't easily express their feelings and thoughts in words, but you can see these in their actions and body language.

2) She only wants peace. Any issues she has, she prefers to keep silent to avoid fights. It might seem like the easier solution, but then this can also affect the couple, as repressed feelings could be acted out in totally unrelated situations. It can also affect intimacy. If you can't talk it over, maybe writing a letter will help, according to Whole Family.

3) She talks about her problems to others, not you. Too many times, couples find themselves venting about their issues to friends. Experts advise against this because you could end up getting bad advice. "As soon as you reveal difficulties in your marriage, you've lost control of the information," said relationship expert April Masini, via Woman's Day. "This becomes a problem on top of whatever marital issues you're having."

On the other hand, ask yourself why your partner is refusing to talk to you. How do you approach her when she does try to open up? How do you really listen? Do you make yourself available or tune her out? Do you turn defensive or are you willing to make compromises? Are past issues brought up? "Obviously this takes practice and cooperation," said relationship expert Bryn Collins via She Knows. "You might need to write down the single topic of your conversation, and if you get off-track or things get heated, remind yourself and your partner of the one topic at hand."

4) He doesn't think talking will help. Perhaps setting aside "the talk" is possible if you agree to do something else first, like experience a new place or hobby together. This could help reset the relationship and provide you the right time to then actually start talking. Relationship is work, and having the mindset that talk is useless indicates someone's unwillingness to work at it. Maybe it's time to consider seeking a therapist, if this is the case.

Also read: Relationship: 5 Ways To Save A Failing Relationship