Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day! Throw a few seeds and nuts, and maybe a few slices of fruit a squirrel's way and sit back and watch. That's all you have to do, and squirrels definitely bring the entertainment every chance they get. Appreciate nature's little clowns and wonder at the great lengths they will go to get at your bird feeder. Feeders are not designed at all for squirrels, but squirrels still find a way to get at the seed they love.

And why do birders not enjoy the antics of these clowns? Animal lovers are animal lovers, so feed the squirrels, too!

Remember the pink hippo that had leucism, a rare condition that affects the skins pigment? Well, behold the white squirrel in the U.K. who has the same condition. This little guy was video tapped in Marbury Country Park in Cheshire. He is actually a grey squirrel, but with the leucism, he is snow white. Estimated at about one per 1 million squirrels with this affliction, this is a rare sighting indeed.

Leucism isn't the same as albinism. They are not true albinos, and the best way to tell is that their eyes are not pink. This squirrel's eyes are black.

"This is my first time seeing a white squirrel as they are so rare," said Andrew Fulton, according to White Wolf Pack, "but hopefully it won't be the last."

Andrew said it took him a while to find the squirrel, even though he knew it was there. Word of mouth had reports of this beautiful little guy already.

So on a beautiful day like today, go out and appreciate nature, the wildlife and those sweet silly squirrels, Days of the Year suggests.

The world is beautiful, so go out and enjoy it.