SplashData, a password management company, has released its annual list of worst passwords that were used in 2015.

The list was obtained through tallying the most used from more than two million passwords that leaked online last year. The company was able to see that people made the effort to create longer passwords, which is supposedly a good thing, if not for the fact that the long passwords are of obvious patterns, like "1234567890" and "qwertyuiop," PC World reports.

"We have seen an effort by many people to be more secure by adding characters to passwords, but if these longer passwords are based on simple patterns they will put you in just as much risk of having your identity stolen by hackers," said Morgan Slain, SplashData chief executive, according to Wall Street Journal.

Here is the complete list of the worst passwords of 2015:

1 - 123456 

2 - password 

3 - 12345678

4 - qwerty 

5 - 12345 

6 - 123456789 

7 - football 

8 - 1234 

9 - 1234567 

10 - baseball 

11 - welcome 

12 - 1234567890 

13 - abc123 

14 - 111111 

15 - 1qaz2wsx 

16 - dragon 

17 - master 

18 - monkey

19 - letmein 

20 - login 

21 - princess 

22 - qwertyuiop

23 - solo 

24 - passw0rd 

25 - starwars 

List from CNet.

If you do not wish for your account to be hacked, have a minimum of 12 mixed characters and have different passwords for different sites. If you have difficulty remembering all passwords, its a good idea to download an app where you can keep your password list.