When one thinks of hot chocolate, snow-covered hills come to mind, as do fireplaces and cold, runny noses after a day of playing outdoors. Whether you grew up making hot chocolate from a packet with boiling water or by melting chunks of chocolate into steamed milk, any milky chocolate substance is liable to bring back childhood memories.

Hot chocolate doesn't have to only belong in the hands of six-year-olds, though. In fact, there are dozens of ways to make regular hot chocolate into grown-up hot chocolate. With these ten recipes, you can satisfy your inner child as well as your adult self. Vodka, rum, whiskey, tequila - pretty much any spirit can fit into the hot chocolate framework, you just have to know what kind of chocolate to add and how to garnish it.

Try making a few of these recipes for your next winter party, and make sure to keep some marshmallows handy!

Salted Caramel Rum Hot Chocolate from Good Food.

Oreo Mint White Hot Chocolate from Delish.

El Dorado Hot Chocolate from Food Network.

Alcoholic Hot Milk Chocolate from Nigella Lawson.

Pumpkin Spice Eggnog White Hot Chocolate from Delish.

Hot Chocolate With Peppermint Schnapps from Food.

Mexican Spiced Spiked Hot Chocolate from Foodie Misadventures.

Vodka Frozen Hot Chocolate from If The Spoon Fits.

Bacon Bourbon Hazelnut Hot Chocolate from Serious Eats.

Irish Hot Chocolate from The Kitchn.

Make sure you have a separate batch of hot chocolate, with extra marshmallows, available for the kids!