Jeb Bush has launched a direct attack on Donald Trump, via television, calling Trump a "jerk" in an advertisement titled, "Enough."

"When anybody - anybody - disparages people with disabilities, it sets me off. That's why I called him a jerk," Bush is shown asking at the beginning of the 60-second advertisement, reports Business Insider.

Trump had been criticized when he had mimicked New York Times journalist Serge Kovaleski, who suffers from a chronic condition called arthrogryposis that impairs arm movement, as reported by HNGN.

"I've got to get this off my chest - Donald Trump is a jerk. I believe life is precious. I believe life is truly a gift from God [and] we're all equal under God's watchful eye," the GOP presidential candidate says in the spot.

"What kind of person would you want to have in the presidency who does that? At what point do we say, 'enough of this?' Let's start solving problems," Bush is shown asking, questioning Trump's rhetoric, reports The Hill.

The new Bush ad is running in New Hampshire and follows an ad titled "Recovery." In "Recovery" Bush is shown talking about his daughter's former drug addiction. Both the spots are aimed at displaying a compassionate face of the GOP candidate.

"I don't apologize for it because he is a jerk. How are we going to win the presidency if we're tearing our country apart?" said Bush reacting to the advertisement, while on a campaign stop in Grinnell, Iowa, reports CNN.

Bush had earlier called Trump a "jerk" at a town hall meeting in Contoocook, N.H., as reported by HNGN.