Facebook has redesigned its "Like" and "Share" buttons for the first time since the social networking site began 2010.

Facebook has released on Wednesday the new looks of it ever-popular "Like" and "Share" buttons which are "one of Facebook's most valuable brand assets," according to the company product manager Ling Bao.

The company explained the process these new buttons has been through just to change its looks. As quoted from a report in The Verge, "Every pixel you change, color you swap, and drop-shadow you alter will get seen 22 billion times per day," so more or less, the company hasn't given much attention with redesigning the buttons since its launch in 2010.

 "It's not easy designing a button used by the Internet. This product has a lot of unique constraints, and is used by so many sites in different contexts."

The question now is how is the Like button going to look like? The new "Like" button will have a lively blue color written in Helvetica font.

Since it is used by a lot of Web sites, the "Like" button is necessary to be translated to different languages without smashing the button or tipping out the next line. "'They're just buttons, why did it take so long?' you ask, but getting a design that works across all these websites at different scales and in different browsers is quite a herculean task," Bao said.

Bao also needed to persuade and get approval from Facebook's designers, legal team, VPs and mostly from CEO Mark Zuckerberg for the roll out.

Facebook has also designed the "Like" and "Share" buttons to woo Web sites to take in both buttons.

During the company's tests, the latest buttons got clicked more often than the previous ones and it may be due to its bolder and more visible look.