Looking great does not need to involve anything drastic like a crash diet or surgical procedures. Yes, men these days are expected to look great, but most of what can actually make you look instantly better could be tweaked by a number of very simple, practical fixes.

Here then are a few simple tips that will instantly turn you more attractive.

Don't Force the Beard

Yes, beards are pretty awesome, but keep in mind that they are not really for everyone. If you happen to be a guy whose genetics don't equate to a full beard, that's okay. Remember, a lot of women out there really love clean-cut guys. Being clean-shaven has a certain appeal, anyway, according to Buzzfeed.

Slim Jeans are Cool

Let me make one thing straight. Slim jeans are not the same as skinny jeans. Slim jeans are those which hug your legs just right. Keep in mind that darker is better, too. If you're not a fan of black jeans, go for a deep, dark blue pair. Worn well, these will even make you look taller and leaner. Quite a win-win situation, right?

Bold Socks are Great

The age of thick, white socks is long gone. These days, one of the best ways to make you stand out and look great is to wear just the right type of socks. Not the ones with the weird, polka dot patterns. In fact, a simple one with a bold color works great. For example, if you're wearing dark pants, wear simple, bold red socks, Men's Fitness notes.

Accept the Nails

Yes, nail care is something else that we men must fully embrace in this time and age. This does not mean that we must go to a hand spa and manicure our nails, of course. Just keep your nails clean and tidy, without any visible dirt under them. Keep them trimmed, as well. We don't live in the Jurassic period, anyway, so we don't really need our talons to survive.

Posture Goes a Long Way

This is arguably the simplest one in this list. As the same time, though, it is also the most effective. Standing up straight instantly makes you look taller and more confident, two things which make men appear a lot more formidable. The age-old adage still applies, after all. Shoulders down, shoulders back, chin up.

Looking good does not necessarily mean that you have to dish out thousands of dollars' worth of clothes and treatments. Sometimes, looking good simply entails you to try out a number of simple, practical things.

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