Former New York governor and Republican presidential candidate George Pataki told some of his key New Hampshire supporters Tuesday afternoon that he is dropping out of the race, according to the Boston Globe.

Pataki announced his candidacy in late May. "Our system is broken," he said then. "Washington has grown too big, too powerful, too expensive and too intrusive. This is exactly what the founding fathers feared."

He had a quick start in the race, putting together a steering committee that included two Republican state senators, but has since failed to establish a strong infrastructure for his campaign.

Pataki has averaged 0 percent in polling, according to RealClearPolitics. Pataki was hurt by poor fundraising which has seen him raising $134,000 but spending $348,000, as well as the fact that he never made a main debate stage, thus relegating him to undercard debates where he made little impact.

Pataki is expected announce the news tonight on NBC affiliates in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina at 9 p.m. EST.