The birth rates for twins for 2014 have been released, and the data suggests that having twins could become the new trend, according to the Washington Post. During that year, 33.9 sets of twins were born for every 1,000 births. The year before, 33.7 sets were born for every 1,000, but experts suggest that the slight increase could be indicative of an upcoming trend set off by a number of factors.

The CDC's report indicates that women are giving birth to their first child later, with the average age for mothers at 26.3. Coincidentally, the teenage birthrate has dropped due to better education and birth control.

Even though conceiving becomes harder as a woman ages, the chances they will have twins actually increases, and in 2014 there were more women having children in their 30s through their 50s.

Also, it is important to note that when using drugs to conceive the chances of having a multiple birth increases as well. IVF is a popular fertility treatment, and in 2014, a portion of the older women used IVF to conceive. During the treatment, the doctor implants multiple embryos, which increases the chance of having twins, according to Newsweek.