No matter what the time of the year it is, no matter what the circumstances, breakups are never easy. Even men, who are usually looked upon as the conventional symbols of composure, are hit hard by a bad breakup. Unfortunately, breakups are pretty unavoidable in the relationship game.

So today, let us look at some words of advice from men who have experienced - and overcome - the worst breakups.

Being emotional is OK.

Men are usually expected to "suck it up" most of the time. Sure, we can do this most of the time, but if ever you feel like getting emotional after a bad breakup, go ahead and do it! Accept the fact that the days and months immediately after a breakup are hard, according to The Huffington Post. Cry, curl up into a ball and just sleep if that's what you need.

Get better after each breakup.

Every time a relationship ends, take it as a sign to better yourself. Focus on something constructive, such as quitting smoking or going to the gym. Eventually, you will feel your sense of control improving. And don't be afraid to jump back in the game when you are ready. The more you try out relationships, the better man you will become.

Get really picky with fights

Always pick your battles. If you are a stubborn man who likes headstrong women, you might end up in a relationship that runs the risk of dying simply because of "the small stuff." Make sure that if you argue with your partner, the issue really matters, reports MSN Lifestyle.

Accept change and let go.

Keep in mind that people change over time - including you. If you are deep into a relationship, you might end up trying to save something that should not be saved at all. If you and your partner are very far from the people you both initially fell in love with, think about calling it quits. Just make sure that if you're ever going to end a relationship, do it in a mature manner.

Relationships, as fragile as they are, are one of life's greatest gifts. Make sure you are able to enjoy and learn from them as much as possible.

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