Nemo the incredibly clever 14-year-old Orangutan found a way to make her living space at the Nakhon Ratchasima Zoo in Thailand a little more to her liking. She used a blanket to fashion herself a hammock, according to the Daily Mail. The video below shows her tying the hammock up, trying it out, deciding that it's too small, re-tying it, and then proceeding to get cozy.

It's amazing to see how much we have in common with our primate cousins- see for yourself! Nemo looks just like any person trying to get comfy for the night.

Orangutans can problem-solve better than any other primate, according to The Dodo. For this reason, many are opposed to orangutans in captivity because they are so smart and understand that they need freedom.

"They say that if you give a chimpanzee a screwdriver, he'll break it; if you give a gorilla a screwdriver, he'll toss it over his shoulder; but if you give an orangutan a screwdriver, he'll open up his cage and walk away. I do believe the orangutan is the most intelligent species [of great ape]," said Michelle Desilets, founder of the Orangutan Land Trust.