Twitter filed a curious patent application, which was granted  last week, for a drone that could be controlled by a tweet. Specifically, the patent, called Messaging-Enabled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, outlines a drone technology that can capture and transmit photographs and videos through its owner's Twitter account.

The social media company will not confirm the patent or its interest in building its own drone. But the device will not only take photos and videos but also stream them live on Twitter. In addition, the patent also indicates a capability to control the drone's movement through tweets, retweets, likes and replies, The Verge reported.

"Two words: Drone selfies," a Twitter spokesperson said when pressed to explain the patent in a CNBC report. For some, this vague statement could mean that the upcoming drone might work in tandem with the recently unveiled Periscope, a tool that lets Twitter users broadcast live video feeds through their accounts.

There are those who acknowledge that the patented technology could be fun but they point out that drone handling via tweet could prove challenging, Popular Science reported. This is also highlighted in one of the cited functionalities, which involves a crowd-sourced control system. Here, a group of people or a crowd can command the drone, which could become problematic for the Federal Aviation Administration, which has been pushing for greater drone regulation.