Humans and animals have phobias, that is a given. Each phobia carries a certain weight to the individual. Take for instance the fear of heights, which is a reasonable fear since not many people can take being atop a building while looking several feet below. Then there are those phobias that are small and out of the ordinary — like this big boxer's fear of tiny feathers, which might be hard to believe.

In the video below, which has since garnered more than 600,000 views on YouTube, the dog can be seen curiously and nervously trying to examine a small, fluffy feathery object, but pounces back once it starts to move.

Why this dog is petrified with such a minute entity is anybody's guess, but the dog's owners might want to think about getting a more aggressive pooch if they want to have a guard dog in their home, said KOOL 1007.9 FM. His size will no longer be enough for potential burglars.

Watch the video below: