LAST WEEK: The girls finally managed to kick Janelle out of the club, though it wasn't without a fight. With Janelle gone, they decided to pick a new house scapegoat, their former friend Shanae.

It's ironic that these girls call her a follower when most of their behavior is pure group-think, or at least that's how the editors make it out (rumors are all over Tumblr that the producers instigate fights and push drama for ratings, and seeing how it's reality show, this is extremely likely.) Saying things like "Shanae's next off the list" certainly doesn't make them look too independent though. That "Survivor" mentality has always gotten old fast on this show.

So we open to a fairly nice day in Miami, where the girls are enjoying the approximately 9 billion plastic floaties that inhabit their pool. They're happy Janelle is gone, but that won't last, because who else will they collectively blame and project their issues on?

Not to worry, a new girl is coming soon! Steph hopes it'll be someone who doesn't have synthetic hair like Janelle.

Upstairs in bed, Tiana announces she doesn't know how to drive a car, and Shanae suggests she get her permit first, which annoys her. Jaz finds it annoying that no matter who is talking, Shanae finds a way to butt into the conversation and act like "Wikipedia."

Shanae has been feeling the negative vibe, though she doesn't feel like she's offended anyone. But of course she is, and of course no one's telling her.

In the car on the way to go shopping, GiGi expresses her anticipation at beating the new girl up, because GiGi is kind of a bully. When Jaz starts lamenting her issues with Shanae, GiGi immediately jumps on this too, as she does, and the girls do a pretty good impersonation of her over-the-top laugh. They decide to passive-aggressively put Shanae on their "watch list."

Andrea calls her father and tells him that the girls kicked Janelle out. If you'll recall, she did nothing to stop it or defend her friend at the time, though that's often the way it goes in the BGC.

That night at the club, Shanae's good friends from Atlanta show up, and considering how this went last time, I fear for Shanae.

And as I predicted, the girls are annoyed at Shanae's friends in their VIP section. They act like snobs and make stank faces, when you know if it were any other one of their friends they'd be open to it. Instead of letting it go, which would probably be wise in this house, Shanae lets it get to her.

Back home, Steph calls Shanae out for "feeling some type of way," but Shanae remains silent. Steph feels annoyed at always having to poke and prod while she pouts.

Back outside at the pool, Andrea asks an innocent question, "What do you think of the new girl?" and thus begins a discussion of Andrea's personality. Andrea correctly predicts that partly due to Shanae's mood swings, the house will turn on her soon.

The next day, a Wild New Girl's picture appears! Perfect time for the girls to overanalyze the photo and make a million snap judgments. Andrea predicts it will be a "gangster" girl. The girl's from NYC, and Tiana predicts she will have an attitude problem. Ugh, girls stop.

Upstairs, Tiana is talking to her roommates Jaz and Shanae about how she feels that she's grown being in the house, and Shanae makes the fatal mistake of interjecting with one of her flaws, "You can be mean sometimes." Does this girl have no sense of decorum?! The girls accuse her of being over-sensitive, and Tiana reflects in her talking-head that her negative energy rubs them all the wrong way.

Outside on the pool deck, GiGi calls Shanae "bipolar." She talking-heads that Shanae really needs to work on herself. Those in glass houses....

Jaz gets a call from her godbrother who invites her to a photoshoot in South Beach to promote his clothing line, and this episode could not be more boring so far.

But wait, things are (hopefully) about to get less dull! Because it's time to meet 24-year-old Mercedies, a "replacement's replacement" from Brooklyn who claims she loves the hate, loves to argue, and manipulate. I predict she'll get along fairly well with the others.

Mercedies, via Tumblr

Mercedies answers the name all polite and handshakes, and it's a good first impression, I'd say. GiGi notes she's totally different from all the other replacements, as she came in calm, cool and collected. Tiana likes the fact that she's down to drink and hang out.

Mercedies goes by Benze, so I'll be calling her this from now on. She's all pumped up to go to the club, but she drunkenly passes out on her bed, so the girls stay in for the night. Thrilling stuff!

The next morning, Benze has a hangover from her two hour drinking binge, but is thankful the girls aren't giving her s***t for it.

Today the girls are going to the Everglades to hang out with some gators. Jaz, GiGi, Tiana and Steph ride in the same car, while Shanae and Andrea are stuck with Benzie.

And in the car, Benze is starting to get annoyed with Shanae pretty quickly, especially she asks her if there's cliques in the house, which then leads to Shanae talking about how she has a name for herself in Atlanta. Benze notes that she's jealous of the four-way bond between the other girls.

After the gator tour, the girls are eating lunch at a picnic table when a guide puts a tarantula on it and they absolutely flip out, as predicted, except for Andrea, who grew up around all kinds of wildlife.

Shanae throws a fit over the tarantula, and Jaz talking-heads that she's a fun sponge who complains about everything, because the show hasn't hammered in the foreshadowing in enough, I guess.

And wouldn't you know, back at the house, Benze starts talking s**t about Shanae's reaction to the tarantula and how she kept bossing her around in the car.

The four-way clique head out to the photoshoot, and Jaz hilariously calls Shanae "Eeyore" in her talking head. Meanwhile, Shanae calls her mother for some support. She's missing her family and feeling uneasy, though she wants to stay in the house.

The girls are pretty nervous for the photoshoot, though they go ahead with it even though all eyes are on them. Tiana is especially freaked out, though she does pretty well, and the guys agree to go out with them to the club that night.

And then finally, something interesting starts to happen. Outside at on the pool deck, Andrea admits to Shanae (with Benze present) that she was peeking at her email while she was writing, and Shanae gets angry and starting to "be over this experience."

It's pretty bad timing, as Jaz's godbrother and friends arrive with gifts and booze, which they open in front of the other girls, of course.

Outside in the pool, sans Shanae, Benzie brings up how Shanae was pouting over not getting a gift. Tiana talking-heads that while she feels bad for Shanae, her Debbie Downer attitude is a Debbie-donwer.

So Tiana approaches Shanae and tells her that she feeds off negative energy and not being herself. When GiGi walks by, however, Shanae says she wants to have the conversation in private. She's hurt that out of nowhere, in her eyes, everyone is accusing her of being a follower, and thinks it might be the beginning of the end for her.

GiGi tries to get into the conversation between Tiana and Shanae, and she's being really pushy. Shanae asks her to give her some respect, and GiGi bluntly says, "I don't want to give you some respect." I expected nothing less, to be honest.

GiGi talking heads that Shanae doesn't have the blueprint for being the "bad girl." Seeing as since they're both there, Tiana starts egging on her and everyone else comes upstairs and starts voicing their opinions of her, and Shanae breaks down into tears. I don't blame her, that must be tough to have everyone ganging up on you at once.

She also makes the point that the girls never told her how they felt at the time, and the more she struggles, the harder the other girls will push back.

And...that's it?

Well, that was the episode. It was honestly one of the most dull episodes of BGC I have ever seen. I mean, NOTHING HAPPENED. The same issues were re-hashed, it was full of filler, and aside from getting a new girl, everything went on without much incident. The editors are just teasing and keeping the "big blow-out" clips for last, but at this point, I doubt the final fight will be even that exciting.

Hopefully next week will be better.

NEXT WEEK: Andrea and Benze hook up, Pleasure P asks the girls to be in his music video, Shanae continues to annoy the girls and becomes the new house "public enemy," and eventually there's a fight. usual, I'll watch it so you don't have to, and I'll tell you all about it!

Click here to watch the full episode, along with all of the ones you may have missed on BGC!