Cats. No other animal polarizes us quite like the cat. There is no middle ground, according to Buzzfeed. No grey area in the cat black and white world. You either are a cat lover, or a cat hater.

But what happens when you take self-professed cat haters and introduce them to kittens for the first time? You know what kittens are like: soft, wide-eyed, innocent, silly. Imagine the first time you met one. Were you mesmerized by their sweetness? Did you want to have a kitten to stay that innocent and tiny and sweet forever?

Test subjects get to come into a room and sit at a table, discussing their true feelings towards cat, all the while there is a box on the table. Once they have finished their cat-disliking message, they are asked to open the box, according to Hero Viral. Inside, well, you just have to see. We don't want to let the cat out of the bag here.

The cat haters voice the reasons for why they are no fans of the independent minded felines, but watch them melt when the big guns come out, and by big guns we mean little kittens. The white one, in particular, is for sure the star of the show. Everyone changes their mind about felines when they hold, cuddle or just observe that little heart breaker!