Japan has become the last country to reveal  that it will begin testing its experimental stealth fighter starting next year in its bid to strengthen its armed forces. The announcement follows several days after an information leak cited several days ago that China is on track to unveiling a fifth generation stealth aircraft, as HNGN previously reported.

Japan's Ministry of Defense announced that the test flights involving the Advanced Technology Demonstrator X, or ATD-X, will commence within the first three months of 2016, the Financial Review reported. If this plan pushes through, Japan will be the fourth country to have ever conducted such a test. 

"The security environment around Japan is becoming increasingly complex and Japan needs to maintain air capabilities commensurate to those of other air forces in the region,"  security analyst Rukmani Gupta said. "Should the ATD-X test be deemed successful, it is very likely that Japan will pursue production of a next-generation fighter."

The upcoming stealth fighter will also likely heighten tension with China and, possibly, South Korea, which tends to view Japan's militarism with suspicion, having endured it during World War II. It is also important to note that Japanese leadership has been trying in recent years to change the constitutional provision that prohibits the country from enganging in war, a policy study revealed.

Unlike China's secretive "2017" stealth fighter prototype, the ATD-X is not bothered by global scrutiny. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, its developer, has released key information such as the jet's 46-foot length, IHI-manufactured engines and the $440 million amount spent in its development. The stealth fighter is expected to be commissioned into service before 2030 and replace Japan's fleet of F-2 jets.