You've probably noticed this already, but J.J. Abrams' "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" seems to have a lot more in-atmosphere aerial battles than previous films in the franchise. Think about it, throughout both the original trilogy and the prequels, most of the air battles were carried out in, you know, space. But so far for "The Force Awakens," the promotional materials have showcased X-Wings and TIE fighters going at it above the surfaces of different planets (see: Poe Dameron wakeboarding over a lake in his X-Wing).

Perhaps that is intentional, though. In a recent feature by Rolling Stone's Brian Hiatt, the writer discusses his time with the post-production team for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" at Bad Robot Studios. In his piece, he highlights what could be a space-set climax of the film.

"Back at Bad Robot, I am permitted to watch Abrams editing the movie for precisely 20 minutes. That adds up to may a minute or two of actual footage. So I can confirm that there is a space battle in the film, featuring X-Wings and TIE fighters and something like a Death Star. There is a lightsaber duel, where Kylo Ren is unmasked, revealing an intense-looking, unscarred [Adam] Driver. There is a weapon that the filmmakers, at least, refer to as a 'Sunsucker.' I see a churning energy device on the ground of a planet that sends a massive, lavalike beam upward - Sunsucker or not, it looks scary."

The "Sunsucker" is likely a codename for the Starkiller base commanded by Domhnall Gleeson's General Hux. As its real name suggests, the Starkiller base reportedly holds the power to wipe out entire systems in the galaxy far, far away. Perhaps similar to the original "Star Wars," the Resistance will be trying to destroy this weapon and deal a major blow to The First Order.

Whatever the case may be, we'll find out when "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" finally hits theaters on Dec. 18.