Ahmad Al-Rashid, or Jack AR on Facebook, is one of the Syrian refugees who is settling in London. After a tumultuous and often terrifying eight-week voyage through Syria, Greece, Turkey and France, he arrived on Saturday at the house of the family who has taken him in and has since been overwhelmed with the kindness that has come his way. On Nov. 28, he published an open letter to express his gratitude that has now been shared more than 4,000 times on Facebook, reported The Independent.

Al-Rashid explained that he had previously worked for UNICEF in Iraq and Syria, helping other refugees, before he also was forced to flee. He left Aleppo, his home, earlier in 2015, reported The Independent.

One excerpt from his open letter reads, "When I moved into this house and I was shown my room by the family who are hosting me in their own home, I was stunned and amazed by their attitude and the way they treated me. The hospitality and care which they showed to make me comfortable is something I don't have words to describe. This was a tremendous relief and soothed my fears and worries," shared The Huffington Post.

Al-Rashid considers himself immensely lucky and has decided to continue working toward the greater good. "I want to go back to Syria and I want to take the opportunity of me being here to take my master's degree and go back and be part of the rebuilding efforts at home," he said to The Independent.

He expressed that he did not expect the empathy that he has received. He knew that other refugees would understand but did not expect the British people to, reports The Huffington Post. He writes, "I have to tell you, it has taken me completely by surprise. I had heard and read so much about how the British people were so unwelcoming to migrants and asylum seekers and want to close the borders and even bomb the boats carrying migrants. But my experience has shown me that the ones who care and want to help far outnumber the ones who don't. I have met such kindness from so many strangers."